Rainbow Cole Slaw With Mandarin Oranges

Published on March 2, 2020

This is the third version of this cole slaw on my website. It began with the Rainbow Slaw in the Copycat Rainforest Cafe Lettuce Wraps and Thai Chicken Salad appetizer where it had golden raisins and then the Rainbow Cole Slaw where the raisins were replaced with beets. For this version the main change is the mandarin oranges that are in season now late in winter.

Rainbow Slaw With Mandarin Oranges

Rainbow Slaw With Mandarin Oranges



Place all slaw ingredients in a bowl. The amounts of each ingredient doesn’t really matter. Do it to taste. Pour the dressing over the slaw and mix until everything is coated.


Double as needed.



Measure all dressing ingredients into a jar and shade until well blended.

Rainbow Slaw With Mandarin Oranges
serving of Rainbow Slaw With Mandarin Oranges
sweet peppers at farmers market
mandarin oranges on tree
Persian cucumbers at farmers market
green onions at farmers market
carrots at farmers market
mandarin orange tree

Photo of mandarins on tree branch by Toshi Kawabata
Photo of mandarin trees by 305 Seahill

mandarin oranges at the farmers market